Otago Community Trust is pleased to be supporting the Otago Southland branch of the Institute of Directors deliver a second Not for Profit Governance Essentials course to help build not-for-profit board capability. This course provides an opportunity for anyone on a not-for-profit board to gain a confident grasp of robust board processes, good decision-making, and board operations in a Not For Profit context.
In this one-day course you will learn the roles and responsibilities of the board and directors from a not-for-profit perspective.
Date: 25 February
Cost $120 (inc. GST)
This course covers the roles, responsibilities and liabilities of being a trustee or board member of a Not For Profit organisation.
At the end of the course you will have a confident grasp of board relationships, robust processes, good decision-making, and the main elements of board operations, including:
- Governance, legal, and regulatory framework essentials
- board charters, the role of the board, culture and ethics, and board composition
- board protocols, meetings, and papers
- board and management relationships and succession planning.
Registrations are on a first in, first served basis.
To register please email Philippa Murrell, Otago Southland Branch Manager – [email protected]