Our guiding documents
Our Trust was established in 2008 by the Central Otago District Council and elected by Central Otago’s major heritage organisations to represent the collective interests of organisations concerned for the identification, preservation and protection of Central Otago’s heritage.
View this Trust Deed here.
Our Strategic Plan will guide our work programme over the next three years.
View the Strategic Plan here
This document was prepared by the Central Otago Heritage Working Party in 2012 following extensive community consultation. The Trust was subsequently tasked with coordinating the implementation of a heritage strategy and plan for Central Otago. This document continues to guide our strategic planning.
View this document here

Heritage Talks
Heritage in the CODC Operative Plan
Section 14 addresses buildings, places, sites, objects and trees that contribute to the heritage character, amenity and historic values of the District. The contribution made by these items and heritage precincts that are also subject to Section 11 of this Plan are important to both the cultural and economic interests of the District. You can view this document here
Part A of Schedule 19.4 lists the items location and legal description of heritage buildings, places, sites and object. You can view this file here
Throughout Central Otago, the special character of many of the towns and settlements remains strongly shaped by their historic buildings, structures and settlement patterns. As the district continues to grow in popularity with visitors and new residents, there is a risk that new development could erode the very character that makes these places unique and attractive places to visit, work and live.
The purpose of these Guidelines is to assist in protecting this historic character by encouraging new development that is sympathetic to, and even enhances, the distinctive look and feel of each settlement.
The five Central Otago Heritage Precincts are:
- Ophir
- Naseby
- St Bathans
- Clyde
- Old Cromwell Town
You can find the guidelines here
The guidelines sit outside the District Plan, meaning they do not have a formal statutory role. They should be read alongside the relevant objectives and policies and zone rules for the settlement development is taking place in, to provide more detail around the design outcomes being sought. However, the Guidelines can be considered in the assessment of any resource consent required under the District Plan.
Maps of the Heritage Precincts can be viewed on the Central Otago District Council’s GIS mapping tools here.
Here’s how to find them using this GIS tool
- Once you’ve opened the webpage, click on the ‘District Plan’ box
- Tick the ‘Heritage Values’ item in the layers menu on the left
- Click on the (+) button next to ‘Heritage Values’ to see the drop down options. Here you will see the ‘Heritage Precinct’ purple layer option. Make sure this is checked
Our recent submissions
COHT submission : Earnscleugh Homestead Resource Consent -RC220425
Graye Shattky and Kristy Rusher speak to our written submission on the Otago Regional Council Proposed RPS. Their presentation can be viewed on YouTube by following the link below:
Graye Shattky presented at the Otago Reginal Council Meeting on 9 November 2022, stressing the importance of heritage as a regional asset and proposed that a Regional Heritage Fund be established. Grayes’ presentation can be viewed on YouTube by following the link below: