The News, 11 March 2021

The Vincent Community Board has pushed pause on progress of the Clyde Museum’s redevelopment project.

At its meeting on March 2, the board decided it wanted to wait for the district museum strategy, at present in development, to be finalised.

It also wanted to await the outcome of the subsequent investment framework which would look at what the council will fund in the museum sector and to what level.

Vincent Community Board chairman Martin McPherson said the board felt it was the best decision to “push pause” on the project.

“It felt a bit like it would be a bit of a cart-before-horse situation if we weren’t to wait to align any future museum work with the funding framework, which will take a holistic view of our museum sector.”

A Central Otago District Council spokesperson said the decision means tenderers shortlisted for development of concept plans for the Briar Herb Factory museum site will be informed and put on hold and negotiations will proceed with them at a later date.

The museum programme of work is a two-step process.

The first stage included engaging with the community on the council’s role in the delivery of the district museum function as part of the long-term plan consultation.

As part of this initial stage, the sector’s vision, strategic objectives and the actions to deliver on this have been written into a draft strategy document.

The second stage will be working through how much ratepayer money is spent on museums, and what level of funding each museum receives.

The second stage is listed as a priority action for the council to deliver in the draft museum strategy.

On hold . . . Concept plans for the Briar Herb Factory Museum site have been halted.