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This Heritage Talk is now fully booked.  Bookings are essential as there are only limited seats available. 

Lake Manuherekia – A Glimpse into our Prehistoric Past 

Step back in time, around 19-16 million years ago, and explore the prehistoric marvel that was Lake Manuherekia in Central Otago. Encompassing a vast 5,600 square kilometres, this ancient lake dominated the landscape, shaping the region into a haven for diverse life forms. The lake teemed with water birds, fish and  crocodilians, and it was surrounded by forests of ferns, palms, conifers, beech and she-oaks – creating a vibrant ecosystem in a climate that mirrored the subtropics.

6:30pm, Thursday 30 May, Clyde Museum, Blyth St
Guest Speaker:  Honorary Professor Daphne Lee, Otago University

Entry by koha-donation with proceeds going to Clyde Museum

This Heritage Talk is the first in a series that showcases some of the fascinating objects that have been chosen for the Central Museums 100 project. The Stromatolite Fossil, from Lake Manuherekia, is one of the objects chosen by the team at Central Stories Museum & Art Gallery.

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