In this interview Anne first recounts stories from her childhood and growing up during World War II. In the 1950’s, Anne trained as a physiotherapist in Dunedin and shares anecdotes of wool store hops, the cathedral choir and the morals of those times. There followed successful career as a physiotherapist which included working with Sir Brian Gerald Barratt-Boyes, the pioneering cardiothoracic surgeon, and gaining experience overseas.
In 1990, at an age when most people are planning for their retirement, Anne and her husband Laurie decided to buy land in Lowburn to produce their own wine. They established Packspur Vineyard, one of the first in the area. With her typical sense of humour, Anne calls this time a ‘baptism of fire’. Ann and Laurie established a nursery with cuttings obtained from Rippon vineyard. The following years saw Anne meet many challenges in the vineyard such as burst pipes, fighting frost and tractor maintenance, while Laurie held the fort financially in Dunedin. Their first vintage was produced in 1995.
Interviewer: Joan Lawrence
Interview Dates:
November 2021
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