Three months to sway CODC over museum move


The News  11 June 2021 Central Otago Heritage Trust chairman David Ritchie has successfully convinced the Central Otago District Council to delay bringing museum management in-house. The district’s museum sector now has three months to convince the council it can work together on a management [...]

Three months to sway CODC over museum move2021-06-11T10:28:23+12:00

Digging up mysteries at Drybread – Heritage Central Otago AGM


7pm Tuesday 9 February 2021 Alexandra Community House 14/20 Centennial Avenue, Alexandra GUEST SPEAKERS – PRIOR TO AGM BUSINESS Professor Hallie Buckley from Otago University and archaeologist Peter Petchey share their insights from the excavations of unmarked graves at Drybread Cemetery. ALL MEMBERS AND THE [...]

Digging up mysteries at Drybread – Heritage Central Otago AGM2021-01-25T12:48:53+13:00

CODC to manage heritage


The News, 26 November 2020 The Central Otago District Council is looking to take a greater role in the district’s museums and heritage sectors and that includes Central Stories Museum and Art Gallery. Last week councillors approved a proposal for a new in-house heritage function, [...]

CODC to manage heritage2020-11-26T18:28:43+13:00

Interviews put oral history on the record


The News, 4 December 2019 Voices of the past will be preserved for the future in a community oral history project. The Central Otago Heritage Trust has been given funding from the Central Lakes Trust and the Otago Community Trust to employ Annette Carter as [...]

Interviews put oral history on the record2020-11-26T14:06:32+13:00

New perspective to Central history


The News, April 3 2019 A word from Central Otago heritage co-ordinator Alice Spiers The recent establishment of an Oral History Working Group in Central Otago brings a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm to the task of recording for posterity the stories, experiences and [...]

New perspective to Central history2020-11-25T17:58:56+13:00

Trust gains $40K annual grant


Otago Daily Times, 11 June 2018 The Central Otago Heritage Trust was one successful funding recipient in the Central Otago District Council’s 10-year plan. In a submission to the plan, the trust requested $40,000 a year to employ a part-time heritage co-ordinator. At a meeting [...]

Trust gains $40K annual grant2020-11-25T17:52:08+13:00

Leaders welcome help for heritage buildings


Otago Daily Times, 3 April 2019 Community leaders in Central Otago are embracing a government funding scheme for earthquake-prone historic buildings in the region. Last month, Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Grant Robertson announced changes to the Heritage EQUIP programme which centred around [...]

Leaders welcome help for heritage buildings2020-11-25T17:51:31+13:00

Heritage in jeopardy


Otago Daily Times, 19 August 2017 Central Otago heritage sites will be in jeopardy unless changes are made to the district’s governing heritage trust, its members say. Central Otago Heritage Trust chairman Graye Shattky is trying to improve the authority and resources of the trust, [...]

Heritage in jeopardy2020-11-25T18:04:59+13:00

Trust to protect Central heritage


Otago Daily Times, 1 December 2008 A trust has been formed to serve as an umbrella group for organisations and individuals with an interest in Central Otago's heritage. The Central Otago Heritage Trust deed was signed yesterday by trustees Graye Shattky, Mike Floate and Brian [...]

Trust to protect Central heritage2020-11-25T18:11:36+13:00
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